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al heeley
S2 licensed
Last edited by al heeley, . Reason : nuclear winter on brain cells
al heeley
S2 licensed
Soon as it's available, thats when the fix will be sorted.
al heeley
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :Hydrogen cars have been offered as a solution as a green, zero emissions car. But they do emit water vapour. Now I understand that water vapour too is a greenhouse gas. So what happens when we get 1000s of hydrogen cars on the road?

I wouln't be too concerned about the exhaust vapour - I'd be far more concerned about the extra power needed to generate the H2 in the first place, this will have to come from electricitywhich needs coal, gas or nuclear power to generate before splitting water into H2 and O2.
Now every time energy is converted to another form there is a really big wasteage so H2 energy is in fact far from green just cos it spits out water vapour.
al heeley
S2 licensed
Well thanks for your intelligent insight into the debate, that was most enlightening.
It's good to get emotive about stuff, but you need a bit more logic and reasoning behind your rantings before anyone takes you seriously.
al heeley
S2 licensed
Here's a good place to start:
al heeley
S2 licensed
So how did it go? Install ok? Running ok?
Now comes hours of frustration trying to keep the cars on the grey stuff, but then, so much fun feeling the power drift and getting into the groove....
al heeley
S2 licensed
Thread closed at request of OP.
al heeley
S2 licensed
I've been to Nl loads of times. plenty of cars need cleaning there.....
al heeley
S2 licensed
Patience is a good trait to learn. 1 month will be worth it, how long have you been a demo racer?
Any sign in yr post that you'll repay the money begged for when your month wait is over?
al heeley
S2 licensed
If you're putting the decals onto a light background you can set the layer properties to MULTIPLY or DARKEN, then the white will go invisible automatically
al heeley
S2 licensed
Quote from jamesrowe :I would pay €20 for Nürburgring! Imagine the online racing/fun you could have! Like in RL!

-1 Online nurby in GPL was the most boring track to race on. Give me aston cadet any day for close competitive racing. On Nurby after 5 monutes you never saw anyone (except maybe buried in a hedge) you might as well have been hotlapping.
al heeley
S2 licensed
Your question is unanswerable. I don't know if you have nkp or have tried the demo.
It's sad that something this good has not received the support it deserves. Support from the coder(s) or devs and the more skeptical of the community have grown bored and impatient, leaving only the hard core haters or lovers to carry on the endless and tedious bickering. To be honest, I like it, there's stuff it does better than LFS and there's stuff it does worse, but the biggest dra\wback is it hasn't developed the mass and momentum of the community like lfs has. In itself i think it's more of a niche sim, like GPL, so it will never interest the more casual or less 'mature' gamer. Not always a bad thing...
al heeley
S2 licensed
GPL is still a classic game and one of the finest hard-core sim racing games available.
Go over to Blackhole motorsports forum and download the GPL2004 demo for free, its got all the hours of updated graphics and tweaks to get this old game working sweetly on a modern system.
After all these years its still my favourite PC game ever.

Once you have the demo working theres loads of addon tracks and offline play content you can download, as well as stuff for on-line racing connectivity.
al heeley
S2 licensed
Thx for providing the link
It also mentions the land exposed by ice retreating causes more heat to be absorbed and that in turn accelerates the ice melting further, in a positive loop, but there are so many different factors involved, some man-made, some natural, esp. solar activity, that you can bet any one summary of the problem is an inaccurate simplification. i still believe things like air travel are pretty negligible in all this but try telling that to the field of protestors camped outside heathrow at the moment.....
al heeley
S2 licensed
To be honest, I'll talk whatever my opinion is, now go spit your dummy out somewhere else.
al heeley
S2 licensed
I can't understand why people enjoy proclaiming on the forum that they're quitting lfs, like they're prompting for everyone to beg them not to go...? Frail egos, hmm. If you don't like playing anymore, just don't play, we'll try to get over it, but coming on here to spit your dummy out just deserves the spoilt brat slappy treatment.
Sadly the threat of you quitting will not make the devs down tools and bring them running to your aid, to help make life sweeter for you. They have other priorities to work on, but believe me, they are aware of the cheats and hacks around. Cheaters on the demo version are not one of their priorities though, for very obvious reasons.
al heeley
S2 licensed
No it goes back to the time of the Kyoto protocol agreement in 2005 i think. However, data presented is still relevant and some historical figures go back to 1850, so it's not just the statistical twisting of looking at the past 5 or 10 years in isolation, that is sometimes presented as a 'balanced picture'.
al heeley
S2 licensed
Oh well, best get practicing again then
al heeley
S2 licensed
Did you beat your brother up after deleting your stat?
al heeley
S2 licensed
Recently came a cross a good, unbiased article on global warming in the New scientist. My gut instinct tells me there are many ignorant people scaremongering but I like to see what a proper rational scientific argument puts forward.

"The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere now stands at around 375 parts per million. A doubling of CO2 from pre-industrial levels of 280 parts per million, which could happen as early as 2050, will add only about 1 °C to average global temperatures, other things being equal. But if there's one thing we can count on, it is that other things will not be equal; some important things will change."

"Water vapour is responsible for a bigger slice of today's greenhouse effect than any other gas, including CO2, any change in the amount of moisture in the atmosphere is critical. A warmer world will evaporate more water from the oceans, giving an extra push to warming. But there is a complication. Some of the water vapour will turn to cloud, and the net effect of cloudier skies on heat coming in and going out is far from clear. Clouds reflect energy from the sun back into space, but they also trap heat radiated from the surface, especially at night. Whether warming or cooling predominates depends on the type and height of clouds. The IPCC calculates that the combined effect of extra water vapour and clouds will increase warming, but accepts that clouds are the biggest source of uncertainty in the models."
al heeley
S2 licensed
that's left me short of breath.
al heeley
S2 licensed
beats me, but then so does you sha-la-la-la-la duck song.
al heeley
S2 licensed
great skin sir